This almost makes me want to use ComScore…
TechCrunch had a great post yesterday regarding ComScore’s recent purchase of M:Metrics a mobile "analytics" tracker. (I say analytics because M:Metrics tracks mobile web usage the way ComScore tracks regular web statistics.) I’ve said in some of my previous posts that mobile technology is advancing to the point that it’s now easier than ever to access the web on a mobile device. Over the next few years, it will explode in usage (especially amongst the 20-30’s age group). The purchase of M:Metrics is a logical choice for ComScore as they seek to enhance their data and it’s a great addition at the right time.
ComScore has been the leading source of aggregate web statistics available today. I don’t currently use them because I track on a more finite level, but the addition of the mobile information almost makes me want to be a regular subscriber of their reports.
This is great news in general for the industry. We have built a product that picks up where M:Metrics left off.
If you are looking to track more detail on mobile sites, you should look at Mobilytics @
I agree that the Mobile Internet is going to explode, and the lack of accurate information needs to come to an end.
Great blog!